Morning Glory Pool in Yellowstone National Park
Morning Glory Pool is one of the most brilliant and iconic thermal pools of Yellowstone, perhaps second only to Grand Prismatic. With vibrant yellows, greens, and blues, its image is quite striking.
Supposedly the pool has been the victim of vandalism over the years, and objects lodged in its core have changed its temperature and the resulting changes in its biome have affected the color. It’s hard to say how much longer it will look the way it does.
In this photo, I managed to capture the hot steam coming off the pool on a cool, cloudy morning. Grasses are visible in the foreground with pine trees lining the background, slightly obscured by the steam.
This pool is located in the same network of thermal features as Old Faithful and is just a short walk from there. Though it’s much smaller and doesn’t erupt, it’s definitely worth the walk and certainly will have fewer onlookers to compete with.
I love walking around this boardwalked area of Yellowstone and seeing all of the thermal springs and geysers. It’s always exciting when one of the less-predictable features erupts and everyone goes running towards it to catch a glimpse.
Categories: Landscape, Thermal FeatureLocation: Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park
Tags: bacteria, Grass, hot spring, Old Faithful, Pine Trees, steam, thermophiles, water
Country: USA
Date Taken: August 22, 2021